Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Something To Share

Just wana share with you guys something written by a friend. Something which really sparked off thoughts and left me pondering. Very well-written Paul :) Thanks for sharing :)

I have come to realize how important it is to stay true to yourself, to listen to the voice inside of you because, you are your best friend and in fact, since I am a Catholic, I believe the voice inside of me is many times God's.

In our daily lives, we get too caught up with living up to expectations set by people who don't understand or know us, and we work so hard to try to please them. This may not be healthy, but some prefer to keep doing it while for others like me, it has turned out to be in vain as all my efforts to try to please the people around me had backfired.

It is scary what mere mortals can do to you. A primary school teacher once told me, "Why should you fear ghosts when humans can do more harm to you?".

As I grew up into a young man, I realized this phrase was so damn true. I am guilty too of hurting people, some unintentionally. But we all grow from it and learn from this.

I am going through a rough time now, and I believe each and everyone of you have your own trials and difficulties, whether it's from work, relationships, family issues, health, etc.

I just want you to know, no matter what criticism you have been thrown, no matter what negativity there is out there, stay true to yourself. Listen to your heart, listen to your intuition. If you have a religion, believe in it. Trust that there is always a higher power who can and will set things right for you.

No matter what, you must be proud of who you are and what you are made of. Remember the words from a Christina Aguilera song, "Words can't bring you down..."

Indeed, mere words cannot and should not stop you from living your life, from chasing your dreams, from believing in whoever and whatever you wish to believe in, and from loving whoever you choose to love.

Do it anyway, and do it well.

You have to love yourself. No one will love you, except God.

You're all on your own, but at the same time you are not totally alone, if you know what I mean.

Be strong.I thank and love you all for being such wonderful friends, on Facebook and in person. You make my day, and together I believe all of us will get thru our own problems.

God Bless!


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