Went Partyworld International Building for KTV yesterday with Eric, Stephen and Ian. It has been ages since I last went KTV and this time, my thirst for singing is finally quenched. :p Stephen says the flower is nice...so? what r we waiting for? Cam-whoring session!!
Stephen and Ian comfortably seated with me taking pictures of them and Eric singing in the background.
After KTV, all of us proceeded to City Hall where we settled down at Cafe Cartel for a drink. *Sigh whats new? haha* Oh Kennedy joined us as well. Me and Kennedy started bored and we began to cam-whore.
Three's a crowd huh?
This is a damn precious shot man. Its so difficult to get our cam-virgin Eric to take photos with us lor.
Hey Ken, trying to strangle me huh?
So do u know the answer to the equation? partyworld + cafe cartel == CAM-WHORES
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Partyworld + Cafe Cartel == ??
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hong Kong Trip part 3
Me at HK Disneyland. Can u imagine this car ride is considered as 1 of the high-risk rides in HK Disneyland?!
And the best thing is.... there are only 2 high-risks rides in the entire themepark!!!!!
Lame castle in lame Disneyland.............
Me inside the washroom of a posh restaurant, Felix, located inside the Peninsula Hotel. Damn cool as you will be virtually peeing into the skyline hehe
Me having Dim Sum at Maxim Palace... Yummy!!!
City Hall? Eh I'm still in Hong Kong and this is definately NOT taken in Singapore lor
*For more photos on my Hong Kong trip, pls visit my Facebook*
Hong Kong Trip part 2
At the Avenue Of Stars, Watching the Symphony of Lights. Look at how vibrant Hong Kong's night life is....
Hey buddy, lets cam-whore!! haha
Me and my new-found friend, McDull. (oh McDull is the mascot for Victoria Peak)
Hong Kong, a place full of tall infrastructures and skyscrapers. Check out what I am holding... Commes des Garcons!!!! ( totally heart it )
Binos anyone?
To b continued..............
Hong Kong Trip part 1
Went Hong Kong from 1st to 5th Aug 08 for a short getaway. Fun, tiring, expensive trip. 5 days in Hong Kong and Ricky and I almost covered Hong kong Island, Kowloon, Lantau Island and the New Territories!!
*apologies for uploading the photos late* Inside T1, cam-whoring while having breakfast at BK
Inside HK Airport Express, on the way to Kowloon Station
Inside cable-car, going over to Lantau Island
My my.... the view from the cable-car is really breathtaking
Almost a 20-minutes ride to reach Lantau Island
The Yau Ma Tei MTR Station (sounds like what u will hear in Jap porn haha )
To Be continued...........
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Perfect Dates
How a perfect date should be, in MY context :
1. Me and partner whipping up a good meal at home and sipping wine.
2. Me and partner going grocery-shopping in Carrefour on a Sunday, occasionally arguing over which tub of ice-cream to buy.
3. Me and partner sitting by the beach, catching glimpse of sunset and sipping wine side-by-side.
4. Me and partner watching our fave movie or sitcom at home on a rainy day sipping wine.
5. Me and partner nicely dressed, dining in a posh restaurant that was booked at least 1 week ago due to its imsofuckinghighclassuntillyougottabookweeksinadvancebeforeyoucandinehere facade.
6. Me and partner driving to Jalan Kayu just to satisfy our craving for pratas.
7. Me and partner exchanging pressies just because its Friday.
8. Me and partner lazing in bed on a Sunday morning.
9. Me and partner flying to Hong Kong just to eat roasted goose, to Taipei just to soak in hotsprings, to Bangkok just to have massages, to Paris just to buy Vuitton, to Maldives just for a swim etc etc.
10. Me and partner walking hand-in-hand together with no destination in mind.
BUT.... none of that ever happen to me....WTF!? Can someone tell me why the fcuk these never materialised?
Damn...Nobody loves me...Perhaps I should just rot and die alone... or maybe I should just have a Kit-Kat... Duhz.........
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Good Is Never Enough
Just when you think you have done something well, you will soon realise that it is still not good enough.
How many times have you asked yourself these questions : "Why am I doing this? Why do I have to live up to other people's expectations? Why can't others respect the way I do things?" Answers never materialised.
No matter how hard I tried, how much efforts I have put in, how committed I am to accomplish a task, there will still be people who thinks/feels I have not done enough... or rather not good enough.
I am starting to feel that I can no longer contribute. Confidence level running low... drained off bit by bit...........Sense of incompetency starting to creep slowly in...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Clara's Birthday Celebration
Celebrated Clara's birthday yesterday. Went to Hanabi Japanese Restaurant @ Odeon Tower to have dinner. Nice Japanese food at a reasonable cost.
*Stan gives Hanabi 4 outta 5 stars*
Saturday, August 23, 2008
C-Nai HK Cafe
Although I just came back from Hong Kong not too long ago, I started to miss the Hongkie food and desserts. So I dragged Anson and Watson to East Coast to have a bite at C-Nai HK Cafe haha :p Food!! Food!! Food!!
Gluttons in actions :p
Watson and me
Still us, but just a 2nd attempt in cam-whoring :p
Random shot taken by Anson
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Random Thoughts
Cold... cold weather
Cold... cold heart
Feeling lonely... out of luck
Yearning... hoping... wishing
Getting tired of this feeling
Hour after hour
Time to hide in my ivory tower
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Most Blur-fuck Award
Continued from previous post........
Went home after meeting up with Ian and Stephen. Dropped by Tampines MRT station to top up my EzLink card and to withdraw some $$..............
Standing in front of the ATM, I stared blankly at the screen.... Nothing particular on my mind... just punched in my password after standing there blankly for about 1minute. After entering the amount to be withdrawn, I just simply took my ATM card and walked away, absent-mindedly leaving the cash still at the ATM untouched!!!!
By the time I realised I forgot all about my cash, I rushed back to the ATM, naively thinking that it would still be there OR some kind soul would be waiting there to return the cash to me. Well well.... as expected..... the money was no longer there ler.......
Sigh.... now do you think I deserve to be conferred the "Most Blur-fuck Award"?
Cartel Cam-whores
Met up with Stephen and Ian yesterday. Settled down at Cafe Cartel after shopping at Raffles City. Ordered some cakes and drinks. Oh ya, do you know that cakes are sold at half price after 9pm at Cafe Cartel? I didn't know that until Stephen excitedly told us that it was 9pm already and we could indulged ourselves in the sinful world of cakes!!
While waiting for our drinks and cakes to be served, we decided to......CAM-WHORE!! haha.
Me thinking.... thinking hard....

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Pigged-Out Night
Same FRiday routine. Went gym at Novena with Clara and Sandy after work yesterday. *gosh... it was a tiring class... in fact my body still aches while I am typing this entry*
After our intense workout session, Mark and Mun joined us and all of us went Han's for dinner. In the midst of our hearty conversation, Mark suddenly suggested to go somewhere for desserts.
Ended up at Balestier and we had desserts at a "Herbal Tea Shop". Shortly after washing the desserts down our throats, we decided that we should check out the "Bak Kut Teh" shop just across the street.
So all of us had another round of "makan" session, busy gorging ourselves with "Bak Kut Teh". *oh the Bak Kut Teh is really nice and out-of-this-world and the best thing is, it is not expensive*
When we were done savouring the food, Mark said something which I almost fainted. "Lets go try the chicken rice at Boon Tong Kee", he said excitedly. Wa piang eh... eat and eat and eat so whats the point of going gym earlier on? hahaha. Luckily Mark was just kidding :p
So we left Balestier and the good souls, Mark and Sandy sent me home. Guess all of us were subconciously celebrating the success of our Women Table-Tennis Team who managed to get into the finals in the Olympics by feasting through the entire night haha. Hope Singapore will eventually win a Gold Medal :)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bro's Birthday
Bro's birthday today!! He turns 27 this year.
Major celebration for him? Nope. Bro fetched me home after my work. Had a brief but intimate chat during the car ride. Thinking back, it had been quite some time since we had a chat even though we stay together. Nothing serious. Just stuff like how things are at work, plans for holiday, gossips etc. It was indeed an enjoyable journey home.
Back home, Mum whipped up some dishes and the whole family sat together and ate dinner. Chatted heartily. Felt a tinge of warmness inside me. I guess Bro wouldn't mind such a simple affair on his birthday :)
Though he is my younger bro, he is a better problem-solver than me and is more decisive. In fact, on many occasions where I encounter trouble, he will be the one who solve my problems. Sometimes I feel I am his younger bro as he took care of me and even offer advices. We have sort of switched roles! haha.
Bro, happy birthday!! I want you to be happy and healthy always. Continue to bring laughter to people around you. Remember, you are my one and only bro and dearest to me :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Busyness Begets Lonliness
I told myself that in order to ignore some unhappy bits and pieces of my life, I should keep myself busy... in fact extremely busy, so that I would not have spare time to indulge in pointless reminiscence.
Some peeps might view this as an act of escapism. Well, I would just say that if I do not have anything to focus on, my mind would turn inward and dwell on endless stuff.
I spent ALOT of time at work and this gave me a sense of accomplishment and at the same time a chance for me to run away from reality. However, the ironic thing which I realised was that the busier I got, the lonelier I was.
There is a vast emptyness inside me and it is unbearable. I know I have my family and friends to fall back on but still, I can't help but feel lonely. Am I such a greedy person?
Just came back from a well-deserved break (Hong Kong- will upload pics soon) after working hard consecutively for almost 2 months. The holiday did me good. Refreshed my mind and stopped me from thinking of work for 5 days.
Now that I am back, I will start to focus on my work again and my studies, which will be commencing soon. Hopefully I will not let my thoughts run wild.
Maybe, who knows, what I really need is a partner............
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Boss Birthday
It was boss' birthday on 7th Aug 08 and we decided to throw her a surprise "party". Bought her a cake from "Angie's". Nice and delectable. Vanilla.... mmm~~~ yumyum :)
From clockwise: Patricia, Ee-lynn, Victor, Me!!, Mrs Chew (birthday "gal" holding the cake) and Mrs Lam.
New Office, New Workstation
My office undergone major renovations and we finally managed to move to our new place not long ago. What does that mean? Its cam-whoring time!! haha :p At Victor's cubical. So shoik hor? Nice, private and cosy. *jealous*
From left : Victor, Ee-lynn, Alison and Me, The Great!!
Well thats my new workstation. What remained unchanged was that my workstation is as messy as ever haha :p