Sunday, August 10, 2008

Busyness Begets Lonliness

I told myself that in order to ignore some unhappy bits and pieces of my life, I should keep myself busy... in fact extremely busy, so that I would not have spare time to indulge in pointless reminiscence.

Some peeps might view this as an act of escapism. Well, I would just say that if I do not have anything to focus on, my mind would turn inward and dwell on endless stuff.

I spent ALOT of time at work and this gave me a sense of accomplishment and at the same time a chance for me to run away from reality. However, the ironic thing which I realised was that the busier I got, the lonelier I was.

There is a vast emptyness inside me and it is unbearable. I know I have my family and friends to fall back on but still, I can't help but feel lonely. Am I such a greedy person?

Just came back from a well-deserved break (Hong Kong- will upload pics soon) after working hard consecutively for almost 2 months. The holiday did me good. Refreshed my mind and stopped me from thinking of work for 5 days.

Now that I am back, I will start to focus on my work again and my studies, which will be commencing soon. Hopefully I will not let my thoughts run wild.

Maybe, who knows, what I really need is a partner............


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