Friday, March 28, 2008

More Setback?

It is the time of the year again. The time when some people will be elated, some will be dejected and some will be pretentious. Well I'm talking about the time when the promotion list will be announced.

Sad to say, I was overlooked for promotion, yet again! And yes, i belong to the category of people that are dejected. In case you start to think I am a sore loser, no I am not. I am just indignant that the entire promotion thingy is not based on merit but rather based on "seniority". It makes me wonder what is the point of working soo hard when I will definately lose my placing to others who have been in the organisation for many years longer than me.

"Someone up there" really overestimate me. "He" forgot that I am just a mere mortal and bombarded me with another setback. How can I cope with ALL these setbacks which are coming to me at the same time!!! Gosh.....

Oh well... enough of whining... Like I said in my earlier post, time will heal... I will just have to stay strong and face everything.... Wish me luck


KraM said...

Well, its always a disappointment to know that others who might not have worked harder got the promotion instead.

I guess that's life but don't let this take you down as am sure you know there is always a next time.

So hang on there and don't let this setback pull you off the track of good work.


Anonymous said...

Thanks alot! Very encouraging :) Just gimme time and Im sure my "engine" will start running like before :)