Cafe Cartel @ PS suck!! Don't get me wrong... its not about their food but its definately about their service, or rather, the lack of it!!
Went there for dinner yesterday with Rachel, Wendy and Clara. Throughout the entire dinner, I had 3 bad encounters with the service staff...and the same one... duhz...
1st Encounter
*checking out 2 suspicious-looking bottles at the dimly-lit counter*
Stan : Hi could I check which one of this is the pepper?
Waiter : Not sure. Take anyone lor...
Stan : thanks *gosh...might as well don't answer me....*
2nd Encounter
*looking for a clean knife at the dimly-lit counter*
Stan : Erm.. can I have a clean knife?
Waiter : *pointing at the cutlery basket* HELP YOURSELF LOR
Stan : *Almost fainted*
3rd Encounter
Stan : Hi can I have some serviettes please?
Waiter : You see my colleague there? *pointing at a girl who is busy cleaning the tables* You check with her lor
Stan : *can't take it anymore* OK!!
Wa biang eh.... even if Cafe Cartel wants to hire part-timers (which I think he is, judging from his looks) shouldn't proper training be given? Tsk Tsk Tsk.....
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sizzling Sizzler
Met up with Watson, Anson, Yuting, Stephen, Ian and Eric last Friday for a post-birthday celebration for Stephen. Went Sizzler @ Suntec for dinner. Gosh.... it was indeed filling for us as we had lotsa food from their salad bar other than our main courses :) As usual, we had our fave post-dinner activity... i.e. cam-whoring!!! haha :p Me and Yuting
Introducing... "The Sons" (cos they are Anson & Watson hahaha... lame *ah-bish*)
Birthday boi Stephen and Ian
Wonder why Eric was not in the pictures? Well... Eric decided to act cam-virgin instead of joining the cam-whores clique... Eeww~~~~
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Eventful Sunday
Had an eventful day last Sunday. Met up with Ricky for tea and Paul for KTV session.
A professional cam-whore on the MRT? Haha :p
Met Ricky at Bakerzin, Paragon. Stupid Ricky excitedly showed me his scars on his leg. (Poor boi had an accident few months back). Though he was still limping when I met him, I was glad that at least he was recovering well :) Oh, let me show you his scars (not for the faint-hearted) Scar 1 : At Ricky's ankle
Scar 2 : On Ricky's calf
Ok enough of scary pictures.... let me recommend 2 delectable desserts from Bakerzin :) 1) warm chocolate cake - look at that!! Isn't that beautiful? Chocolate oozes out once you bite the cake.. Simply heavenly... Stan gives it a rating of 4.5 out of 5!!
2) sweet pleasure - a must have for all chocolate lovers!! Sweet, crunchy, mmm..... simply indescribable
Stan gives it a rating of 4 out of 5 :)
Had a greaat time having cakes and catching up with Ricky. Eh RK, we should do this more often hahaa :)
Proceeded to meet Paul for KTV at Partyworld Ochard after bidding farewell to Ricky. Haha even in KTV we still would not give up the chance to cam-whore :p
Finally....A Closure....A Fresh Start...
After 3 months.... finally.... a closure to the entire episode.....
Met up with ** on Tuesday.... Returned the remnants of **'s stuff that had been lying at my place...... There would be no more excuses of meeting each other up.......Cleared all the memories of ** from my room....Suddenly my room became more spacious.... sooo spacious that I could breathe the air of relief and freedom....
Finally, after months of going through the ambiguity of my relationship with **, I can now look forward and carry on my life with pride and dignity.... No more heartaches and silly reminisces...
A fresh start... a new me :)
**, get out of my life!!! We don't need each other anymore!! Live well and take care!!!
Stanley is resurrected and reborn!!!!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
St Stanley's Day!!
Had a birthday bash to commemorate this day and gosh, Stanley had a hell lotsa fun with all his close friends... Yeah!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Getting Older...
In 2 days time, which is this coming Friday, I will be 1 yr older!! Gosh... how time flies......Unknowingly, I will reach the last year of my twenties real soon...
Looking back, for the past years of my life, I did not really accomplished much.... I have practically nothing under my name whereas most of my peers are owning houses, cars etc. The best thing is, after slogging in the corporate world for almost 6 years, my remuneration is still uncomparable to most of them.... sianzz.....Material stuff aside, I don't even have a driving license or a Degree.... Gosh.....
Guess I got to make a resolution on my birthday.... To be a better person, or rather, to excel in both my personal and work life....Hope my birthday marks the positive turning point in my life... Wish me luck guys :)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Stiff Neck....
Woke up with a stiff neck yesterday morning...... soooo stiff that I could only turn my head to the right side. So, I had a pretty hard time in the office... Whenever someone spoke to me on my left, I got to practically move my torso to the left to respond to the speaker...This same action would also apply to situations where someone or something nice and attractive happens to be on my left and I want to see......
Met up with Stephen after work at City Hall. Told him about my predicament.... and guess what? He shared with me an ancient folklore to remedy such condition.... He said I should take my pillow out to sun it and then spank it REAL HARD... That should ensure that my stiff neck is cured and I would have a good night sleep... Duhz.... I rather spank the bums of others than my own pillow... haha....
Passed by a pharmacy and gosh.... Heaven was kind to me.... There was this salesman giving out Salonpas samples!! My "yeow gui" nature got the better of me and I dragged Stephen to queue up to collect the free Salonpas... heh......
Made Stephen stick the Salonpas on my neck and there he was whining and complaining about the herbal smell emitting from the plaster....Oh come on, my darn neck is hurting like hell so please show some compassion... duhz....
After a few hours, my neck felt less painful.... Hmm.... I think I would rather stick Salonpas than to spank my pillow haha... Salonpas Rocks!!!