Went clubbing with Ricky and Winston yesterday. It was the most "memorable" experience I have so far in my clubbing track record.
We actually queued for 4 hours just to get into the damn club!! 4 hours!! Imagine that!! By the time we managed to get in, it was already 130am and the club was sardine-packed. Packed to the extend that there was bodily contact everytime we made a minor movement. The club should seriously restrict people with waistline more than 35 inches from getting into the club!!
Gulped down our drinks and made our way to the dancefloor. Then, "Tattoo" was played and balloons fell from the ceiling. Everyone was jumping with joy... except me.... It was quite some time since I last heard this song.... Images of the past came back to me like "good old friends"... Strangely, I was not as sad as before... Just felt a sudden sense of lonliness...
Anyway, we stayed till 345am and we decided that enough is enough....we left the club and told ourselves that such silly things would only be done once. (i.e queueing for 4 damn hours!!)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Of 4 hours queue, balloons and "Tattoo"
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Coffin
Caught "The Coffin" with bro and Knott at Century Square. Rather nice show but I felt it could have been scarier though.
Synopsis : Inspired by a true Thai ritual of lying in coffins to get rid of bad luck and prolong life, THE COFFIN is a supernatural thriller about a young man and a young woman who decide to go through the ritual in Thailand. Chris, a claustrophobic architect does it in the hope of saving his fiancĂ©e who’s dying of terminal cancer. Sue, a nutritionist visiting Thailand from Hong Kong does it to save her own life after being diagnosed with a lethal brain tumor - one week before her wedding. After the ritual, Chris and Sue experience what appear to be miracles in their respective lives. But soon, they find themselves confronted by a series of bizarre and terrifying incidents. With the help of a professor specializing in paranormal cases associated with the ritual, they set out to exorcise the ghosts that haunt them, and attempt to reverse the wheel of karma. Thrilling, mysterious and ultimately moving, THE COFFIN is a spine-chilling horror about the beauty of life and death, and coming to face to face with living and dying. It was shot in six provinces across Thailand on actual locations including a 100-year-old temple, real cemeteries, inside active crematorium chambers and an ancient meditation cave.
Main Cast: Karen Mok, Ananda Everingham, Andrew Lin
After watching the show, I feel that what will happen will happen. The wheel of karma will continue to spin. No point stopping it. Then again, we are just mere mortals. When we are driven to the point of desparation, we will try anything just to get things to work out. Well, I guess what we can safely do is to accumulate good karma to rid bad luck.
Check out their official webby : The Coffin
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wendy's Birthday
Celebrated Wendy's birthday last Sat with Rachel and Clara. Went Cafe del Mar @ Sentosa for dinner. Nice ambience for cosy chats and a round of drinks or two. Didn't enjoy the food though. Felt it could have been better, judging on the exorbitant prices they charged. Nevertheless, its still a nice place to chill out. check out their webby : Cafe del Mar Nice surroundings
Rachel in her mischievous mood AGAIN!!
Clara, with her trademarked SQ (read : plastic) smile :p
Testing out the cam b4 the cam-whoring session starts?
Wide spread of food we had... woohoo!!
After our hearty dinner, we went to a quieter corner of Cafe del Mar for some drinks. Had fun chatting and cam-whoring :) Me, giving a tired look with Clara, looking smiley as usual
Ta Dah!!! Wendy's jelly birthday cake!!! Made specially for her by Clara!!
Our birthday gal making her wish :)
The chiochio ChioBus!!
Me and the birthday gal :)
Made Rachel take pic of us while waiting for the monorail (don't tell me its called metro!! See entry : Embarassed)
Ever wonder why people wear dresses to Sentosa? Siao rite?! (ok dun kill me Clara hohoho)
Me again but this time with a "strange" background.... (erm... Sadako, is that you?)
Then we proceeded to Shenton Way Partyworld for KTV Vainpots
Vainpots again!!
Wendy, with her cute little red scarf, specially knitted for her by Rachel.
Hey Sis, hope you enjoyed the birthday celebration we planned for you. Cheers!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Was smoking downstairs my office this morning when a family of "ang mos" walked over. The woman, presumably the mother of the group posed me this question : " Excuse me, Mister, can I know wheres metro?"
I stopped puffing for a second to think. "Erm, I don't think there is any metro here", I replied her. The lady looked unconvinced and said ," You sure?" Suddenly, it dawned on me that they might be looking for the MRT and NOT the departmental store and so I asked, "Are you talking about the train" and fortunately they said "yes" unanimously. Feeling embarassed and damn silly, I pointed them the direction to the MRT.
Then it occurred to me that some countries termed their trains as "Metro", "Subway", "MRT", "MTR", "Tube" etc..... Erm... HARLOW!!! you are now in Singapore so who the hell knows you are referring to MRT when you asked about Metro?!?! DUHZ.......
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dear Diary
In matter of hours, it will be exactly 1 yr...... 1 yr ago we got attached....and now, 1 yr later, things are no longer the same anymore...you chose a life without me, a decision which affected me greatly even up till this very day... I do not hate you even though the excruciating pain is killing me, and I sincerely wish you happiness and I mean it.. really.... take care and live well **
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Have not been in the best of health these days...frequent headaches, persistant irritable nose (read: runny and itchy nose), feeling feverish and experiencing sharp pain in my stomach (see entry : Crampy and Pain )What's wrong with me??? Is it because of some viruses in the air?? Gosh... am I dying??
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Biography of Stann and Stanlie
Long long time ago...
There was a pair of twins... gorgeous twins named Stann and Stanlie. They had no friends....Apparently noone wanted to befriend them... Guess they were just too gorgeous-looking.
At a tender age of 14, they tried to get themselves in some unknown neighbourhood school but was rejected as they looked too whorish....
So they gallivanted till the age of 18 and they tried to apply to study in NTU (Nanyang Transvestite University). Stann was lucky as NTU found him extremely handsome and they admitted him to be their coverboi. However, Stanlie was pretty unlucky. She was thrown out of the school for her Maggie-mee hairdo......
Years later, Stann became a successful businessman while Stanlie got married and became a rich TaiTai.....
THE END.......................
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Caller : Pa.... help me....I'm kidnapped *cries uncontrollably*
Dad : What happened? Where are you?
Caller : Pa... they hit me... *cries louder this time*
Dad : Really? Where did they hit you? Pain? Aiya they should beat you up real hard ma....
Caller : Damn you!! *hangs up immediately, too~~too~~toooo~~*
That was what happened yesterday afternoon. Dad told me that a Chinese-speaking guy called him on the phone and claimed that he was his son and that he was being kidnapped. Tough luck for that conman, Dad was too clever to fall for such stupid and amateur lies.
Haha good job Dad :) Don't worry both your sons are adults and we are not from a filthy rich family so chances of us getting kidnapped are really minimal :p
Monday, October 13, 2008
Crampy and Pain
It was the start of another work week. As usual, I dragged myself to work in a groogy state of mind
Luck was not with me as I couldn't secure a seat EVEN though I boarded the train at Pasir Ris station!! Stood throughout the journey, feeling sleepy and lousy....
Just when the train reached Aljunied station, I experienced an acute pain, yet crampy feel in my stomach... Tried to bear with that sickening feeling...not the diarrhoea (or "Lao Sai") type of feel.... It was excruciating and to make matters worse, the damn train was practically packed like cans of sardines..............
Endured with the pain until I reached the Orchard station... Couldn't take it anymore and I rushed out of the train and dashed to the nearest toilet.... Puked twice.....Broke out in cold sweat and felt a tinge of giddiness... Rested myself in the cubicle for about 15 minutes before I decided to make my way to the office.....
Even as I am typing now, I can still feel the queasiness in my stomach...Sigh... what is wrong with me? Gastritis, appendix or stomach flu???
Friday, October 10, 2008
Good Fortune Coming?
Something strange happened....
Yesterday afternoon, as usual I went for my routine smoke break downstairs my office. (YES I SMOKE!! although I don't look like a smoker)
Deep in my thoughts and puffing my life away, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, which rudely disrupted my train of thoughts. I turned back, visibly irritated and what greeted me was a smile from an Indian man. I smile back warily.
Before I could say anything, the Indian man excitedly told me, "Young man, from the look on your face, I can tell you good fortune is coming your way". I was bewildered!! He pointed at the area between my eyebrows and added, "Very good, very good.. lucky.. good fortune" and he stuck out his thumb, presumably to emphasise his point.
At this point, I let my guard off a little and thanked him. He requested to view my palm and I obliged. After a brief examination of my palm, he said, "Young man, next year is a very good year for you but try not to smoke too much". With that, I thanked him once again and we parted.
Back in office, I kept thinking about the incident I had earlier on. Rationally, I knew I should just take the whole thing with a pinch of salt, but on the other hand, I was pretty happy with what the Indian man had said. Guess, I just a mere mortal, who tends to listen to nice stuff. Bleah
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm Pregnant
I'm not KIDDING.... Think I'm really PREGNANT!!
I'm getting heavier each day... and FxxK the test-kits... they are soooo unreliable... Conspired against me and led me to think that its "negative" every time I tested.... Arggg!!!
How did it happened?? I'm a very careful person and I take precautions religiously...and the best thing is... I don't mess around....
Gosh.... I must have been raped....brutally raped..... by FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! How can "you" do this to me? *sob*
I'm opting for an abortion.... I'm getting rid of you, you illegitimate "thing"!! I MUST resume my gym routine....
Ouch!! Stop kicking me!!! Ouch!! I HATE u, "LARD BABY"!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Freak Accident
I had a freak accident last night....
Came back home after an aimless walk with Rachel at Tampines Mall and Century Square.... Hungry.... Tired.... Sleepy....
Went to the fridge in a sleep-walking mode.... Took out a packet of Twisties, a bar of chocolate, a can of Heaven & Earth green tea, a mini pear and a custard bun.
Balancing myself with ALL the goodies in my arms, I made my way unsteadily back to my room... That was when the freak accident took place.... I tripped on my own leg and fell onto the floor. That was not the end...as a result, the goodies I had in my arms fell right into my mouth and I had no other choice but to swallow them...
OMG!!!!!! I'm soooo accident-proned *Haha*
OK ok.... no more excuses...I admit... I'm greedy... I'm a piggy... I AM FAT *bleah*
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Waruku @ Herren
Met up with Rachel and Wendy last Fri at Herren. Went Waruku for dinner. (The "high-class" one, not Pasta de Waruku hor hiaks hiaks hiaks).
Was rather crowded and the waitress took some time to serve us... BUT the 3 of us were not time-wasters so we decided to cam-whore while we waited for our food :) Wendy trying to act demure... *puke* hahaha
Wei Hoong & Jin Hui's Farewell
Shortly after Lynn's farewell (see posts: Lynn's Farewell Part 1 and Lynn's Farewell Part 2 ), I attended both Wei Hoong's and Jin Hui's farewell last Friday... Sigh... seems like everybody is leaving... BUT HECK!! I'm happy for them as they are able to seek greener pastures and leave this FxxK-up company. The usual "must-have" group photo with tons of KFC and pizzas on the table. SLURP!!
The chiobu-s: Jin Hui and Raine
Jin Hui and our pretty mummy-to-be, Angie
From left: Wei Hoong, Mrs Lam and Jin Hui
Groupie 2