Monday, October 20, 2008


Was smoking downstairs my office this morning when a family of "ang mos" walked over. The woman, presumably the mother of the group posed me this question : " Excuse me, Mister, can I know wheres metro?"

I stopped puffing for a second to think. "Erm, I don't think there is any metro here", I replied her. The lady looked unconvinced and said ," You sure?" Suddenly, it dawned on me that they might be looking for the MRT and NOT the departmental store and so I asked, "Are you talking about the train" and fortunately they said "yes" unanimously. Feeling embarassed and damn silly, I pointed them the direction to the MRT.

Then it occurred to me that some countries termed their trains as "Metro", "Subway", "MRT", "MTR", "Tube" etc..... Erm... HARLOW!!! you are now in Singapore so who the hell knows you are referring to MRT when you asked about Metro?!?! DUHZ.......


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